Type-Safe GraphQL with OCaml (part 1)
29 Nov 2017In July 2016, I spent some time writing a GraphQL endpoint for an existing application in Go. I chose to implement the endpoint in Go based on prior experience, good concurrency support and the desire to have static type system. The GraphQL library for Go, graphql-go
, worked pretty well, and I was able to build the desired functionality. Still, I was left frustrated by the lack of type safety offered in Go. Everywhere the library neccessitated the use of interface{}
types, and the application was littered with type casts. Code like the following was the rule rather than the exception:
func(p graphql.ResolveParams) (interface{}, error) {
ctx := p.Context.(AppContext) // Type cast 1
account := p.Source.(Account) // Type cast 2
userId := p.Args["user_id"].(int) // Type cast 3
return ctx.LoadUser(account.Id, userId) // Any return value accepted
Ugh, three type casts to implement a very simple function. Secondly, the return type is interface{}
, so there’s no type safety for the return value. Type casts and lack of type safety collectively mean a much higher risk of runtime errors.
Initially, I thought the lack of generics in Go was the root of the issue. Out of curiosity, I looked into graphql-java
, and noticed that it offered equally bad type safety guarantees. I went on to look at Flow to see if it was possible to get typing for graphql-js
, but unfortunately it did not (and still does not) support GraphQL (Github issue). This was the starting point of a journey to try to implement a GraphQL library with better type safety guarantees than were offered at the time.
My intent is to write a number of blog posts, which describe that journey. Incidentally, it also describes the implementation of ocaml-graphql-server
, which has become the product of the journey. This blog post, part 1, provides a foundation for understanding GraphQL from a server perspective, and describes a type-safe implementation of a subset of GraphQL in OCaml.
GraphQL Primer
This section provides a primer to a simplified version of GraphQL, which will provide a foundation for later describing how to implement a GraphQL server library.
GraphQL requires you to model your data as a directed graph. As a very simple example, we might have a user with two properties, id and name:
To capture the structure of this graph, we need to describe nodes, edges and the relationship between the two more accurately:
- A leaf node is called a scalar (circle-shaped). It has a name and a serialize function of the type
x -> json
. We callx
the source type of the scalar. The serialize function thus converts from the typex
to a JSON value, e.g. fromint
to a JSON number. - An internal node is called an object (box-shaped). It has a name, a source type and a collection of fields.
- Each field is represented by an edge in the graph. A field has a name and a resolve function. The resolve function must be of type
x -> y
, wherex
is the source type of the tail andy
is the source type of the head. It thus converts from the source type of the head to the source type of the tail.
Nodes are collectively called types in GraphQL, i.e. scalars and objects are GraphQL types, and you will also find the terms “scalar type” and “object type” being used.
Int is a scalar type with source typeint
. User is an object type with source typeuser
. A field (edge) from User to Int must have a resolve function of typeuser -> int
One node in the graph is designated as the query root (named query
in the above example). The root node must be an object with “nothing” as its source type (i.e. unit
in OCaml, void
in C/Java, etc). A query is then a traversal in the graph starting at the root. The result of a query is a JSON value, which can be computed by running the following recursive procedure:
- A scalar node is converted to a primitive JSON value (string, number, boolean, null) by applying its serialize function to the source value.
- An object node is converted to a JSON object with one member per traversed field (outgoing edge). The name of a member is the name of the field, and the value is computed by applying the resolve function to the source value and recursively applying this procedure.
From an inductive perspective, scalars are the base case, while objects require recursive application.
Executing a query on the above graph could yield the following JSON value:{ "user": { "id": 1, "name": "Alice" } }
A final and important aspect of GraphQL is introspection. A client can issue a query to a GraphQL API asking for its structure and receive a JSON result describing the graph, i.e. the nodes and edges. We will omit the exact details of this format, but provide the following example.
Introspecting the above example graph could yield a JSON value like the following:{ "queryType": "Query", "types": [ { "name": "Query", "kind": "OBJECT", "fields": [ { "name": "user", "type": "User" } ] }, { "name": "User", "kind": "OBJECT", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "Int" }, { "name": "name", "type": "String" } ] }, { "name": "Int", "kind": "SCALAR" }, { "name": "String", "kind": "SCALAR" } ] }
Implementing the Core of GraphQL
Broadly speaking, the goal of a GraphQL server library is to:
- Allow the user to construct a schema (graph) in terms of objects, scalars and fields with application-specific serialize and resolve functions.
- Allow executing a query against a schema.
- Allow introspection of a schema.
The challenge is to define OCaml types for GraphQL types and fields, which capture the above requirements. Furthermore, the definition needs to support introspection, so we cannot just have a graph of closures, which hide the structure of the graph itself. Finally, the following invariant for fields should be upheld to guarantee that the schema is well-formed:
Field Invariant
Given a field with a resolve function of typex -> y
, the source type of the tail must bex
and the source type of the head must bey
If we can capture this invariant in the type system, then only well-formed GraphQL schemas will compile and we can avoid exceptions when executing a query.
As a running example, we’ll try to expose a simple user type as a GraphQL object:
type user = {
id : int;
name : string;
We’ll be using the following simple definition of a JSON type:
type json =
| Null
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
| Bool of bool
| Array of json list
| Object of (string * json) list
Given this JSON type, we could implement a simple conversion from user
to json
as follows:
(* user_to_json : user -> json *)
let user_to_json user =
Object [
("id", Int user.id);
("name", String user.name);
On to implementing our GraphQL library! A GraphQL type is parameterized over a source type, so we will have a type like 'src typ
is a reserved keyword, so we use typ
instead). First we will try to tackle scalars and then add objects. Scalars have a name and a serialize function to convert their source type into JSON:
module Graphql = struct
type 'src typ =
| Scalar of {
name : string;
serialize : 'src -> json;
GraphQL defines a number of built-in scalars, e.g. string and int, which we can define as follows using the above definition:
module Graphql = struct
type 'src typ = (* ... *)
(* int Graphql.typ *)
let int = Scalar {
name = "Int";
serialize = fun i -> Int i;
(* string Graphql.typ *)
let string = Scalar {
name = "String";
serialize = fun s -> String s;
Before expanding our definition of Graphql.typ
to include objects, let’s try to define a field. A field has a name, an output type, and a resolve function:
module Graphql = struct
type 'src typ = (* ... *)
and ('src, 'out) field = {
name : string;
output_type : 'out typ;
resolve : 'src -> 'out;
The type ('src, 'out) field
can be interpreted as a field going from a node with source type 'src
to a node with source type 'out
. Note that the return value of resolve
agrees with the source type of the field output_type
(our field invariant).
We can then try to define the two fields of our user
(* (user, int) Graphql.field *)
let id_field = Graphql.Field {
name = "id";
output_typ = Graphql.int;
resolve = fun user -> user.id
(* (user, string) Graphql.field *)
let name_field = Graphql.Field {
name = "name";
output_typ = Graphql.string;
resolve = fun user -> user.name
Though these definitions might seem fine, the fact that they have a different types might cause concern for the observant reader. In particular, this means we cannot put them in the same list:
let user_fields = [id_field; name_field]
The implication is that we cannot construct a list of fields for an object with the above field types. The insight to overcome this issue is that while we need 'out typ
and 'src -> 'out
to agree, we otherwise do not care about 'out
. In particular, 'out
does not need to be exposed in the type of field
. We can achieve this using a GADT:
module Graphql = struct
type 'src typ = (* ... *)
and 'src field = Field : {
name : string;
output_type : 'out typ;
resolve : 'src -> 'out;
} -> 'src field
By “forgetting” 'out
, the type of id_field
and name_field
are now both of type user Graphql.field
. This means we can create a list containing both user fields:
(* user Graphql.field list *)
let user_fields = [id_field; name_field]
With the above in place, we have made it really easy to extend our Graphql.typ
to include object types. An object is simply a name and a list of fields that agree with the source type of the object:
module Graphql = struct
type 'src typ =
| Scalar of {
name : string;
serialize : 'src -> json;
| Object of {
name : string;
fields : 'src field list;
and 'src field = Field : {
name : string;
output_type : 'out typ;
resolve : 'src -> 'out;
} -> 'src field
With these definitions, we can finally construct our GraphQL user type:
(* user Graphql.typ *)
let user_typ = Graphql.Object {
name = "User";
fields = [id_field; name_field];
The final step is being able to convert a GraphQL type to JSON given a value of the corresponding source type. OCaml generally requires no type annotations due to great type inference capabilities. However, the use of GADTs sometimes necessitates use of type annotations. In the following code snippet, you can read 'a. 'a -> ...
as “for all a”:
module Graphql = struct
(* ... *)
let rec to_json : 'src. 'src -> 'src typ -> json =
fun src typ ->
match typ with
| Scalar s ->
s.serialize src
| Object o ->
let members = List.map (resolve_field src) o.fields in
Object members
and resolve_field : 'src. 'src -> 'src field -> string * json =
fun src (Field field) ->
let field_src = field.resolve src in
let field_json = to_json field_src field.output_type in
(field.name, field_json)
We’ve reached the crescendo! The ultimate proof is the ability to convert a user to JSON using Graphql.to_json
let user = { name = "Alice"; id = 1 } in
Graphql.to_json user user_typ
- : json = Object ([("id", Int 1), ("name", String "Alice")])
Victory! Though it could seem like we’ve just replicated the very simple functionality of user_to_json
in a more complex manner, what we’ve achieved is much more significant:
- A composable system with type safety.
- A system that can be introspected.
- An extensible system which can support more complex GraphQL types, such as lists, unions, interfaces and non-nullability.
These are all topics for future blog posts.
Conclusion and Next Up
This blog post describes a composable, extensible core for a GraphQL server implementation, which allows introspection and ensures no runtime exceptions by capturing complex invariants in the type system. In turn, this means users of the library can enjoy compile-time guarantees and build high-quality GraphQL APIs.
Future blog posts will build more features on top of this core, adding support for:
- Schema introspection.
- GraphQL List and NonNull.
- GraphQL Union and Interface.
- Arguments to resolve functions.
- Self-recursion and mutual recursion.