Module Graphql_parser

type const_value = [
| `Null
| `Int of int
| `Float of float
| `String of string
| `Bool of bool
| `Enum of string
| `List of const_value list
| `Assoc of (string * const_value) list
type value = [
| `Null
| `Int of int
| `Float of float
| `String of string
| `Bool of bool
| `Enum of string
| `Variable of string
| `List of value list
| `Assoc of (string * value) list
type directive = {
name : string;
arguments : (string * value) list;
type fragment_spread = {
name : string;
directives : directive list;
type selection =
| Field of field
| FragmentSpread of fragment_spread
| InlineFragment of inline_fragment
and field = {
alias : string option;
name : string;
arguments : (string * value) list;
directives : directive list;
selection_set : selection list;
and inline_fragment = {
type_condition : string option;
directives : directive list;
selection_set : selection list;
type fragment = {
name : string;
type_condition : string;
directives : directive list;
selection_set : selection list;
type typ =
| NamedType of string
| ListType of typ
| NonNullType of typ
type variable_definition = {
name : string;
typ : typ;
default_value : const_value option;
type optype =
| Query
| Mutation
| Subscription
type operation = {
optype : optype;
name : string option;
variable_definitions : variable_definition list;
directives : directive list;
selection_set : selection list;
type definition =
| Operation of operation
| Fragment of fragment
type document = definition list
val parse : string -> ( document, string ) Stdlib.result
val pp_document : document Fmt.t